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What is Plainly?


Plainly enables you to automate business/legal processes, documents, forms and communications incredibly easily and quickly.

By using the various building blocks on Plainly's platform (which you'll learn about in this documentation) you can quickly build powerful business/legal applications such as self-serve legal portals, matter intake and management forms, applicant tracking, HR, CRM and procurement systems, and much more - all tailored to your precise needs.

Building takes place via a simple no-code interface meaning you can create, test and deploy anything from basic processes in a few minutes to more complicated applications in just hours. Once up and running, you can easily maintain and iterate everything as your business needs evolve. 

Who is this documentation for?

This documentation is for anyone who wants to build something on Plainly. This can be anyone. You don't need to be a developer or IT professional - for example we've also got lawyers, accountants, company founders, sales, operations and HR professionals and more all building things on the platform. 

All you need is a business problem or inefficiency that you think should be solvable by technology.

We've designed everything on the platform to be as simple and intuitive as possible. As with everything new, there's a learning curve but (a) you'll hopefully find it's quite short - this documentation will help with that - and (b) once you're up it, you'll find yourself empowered to solve a great many problems for yourself and other people.

Getting help

As a builder, we're here to support you through your journey - we get the biggest kick of all from empowering people to solve their own problems - so please contact us if you need any additional guidance beyond what's in this documentation. If you want more formal/long-term help for you or your team, we also offer help and training packages via our Managed Services offering.

In the meantime, happy building!