
Get things done.


Create simple, step-by-step workflows that automate end-to-end legal processes with Plainly's no-code interface. Automatically make and sign documents, send emails and SMS, request approvals, collect data, make API calls and more. Dramatically speed up legal work while eliminating mistakes and duplication.

No-code Interface

Sophistication without complexity


Use our simple no-code interface to automate your normal processes, documents and communications. No coding knowledge is necessary to build complex business logic. Intuitively link together each step until you're done.

Data mapping

Always know what's known


Reduce manual data entry, human error and unnecessary delays by pre-mapping key data like prices, salary bands, work locations, key contacts - whatever you need.

Automatic documents

The correct document, every time


Instantly generate documents from central versions of your standard templates, saving time and ensuring beautiful, compliant documents every time.


Get to yes faster


For documents that need signing, get legally binding signatures in a couple of clicks and a record you can keep forever. Plainly fully complies with US, UK and EU esignature laws. No more scanning or waiting for signed documents to be returned.

Document storage

Secure and easy to manage


Plainly’s secure online storage keeps your organisation's documents in one place through a modern, mobile-compatible interface - no more searching through emails to find a document. Back up to your own cloud storage-provider for extra peace of mind.

Precise permissions

Your organisation, your way


Precisely control who has access to which processes and documents within your organisation. Set individual or group permissions to ensure your information security needs are met.

Oversight & audit

Instant audit trails


Plainly comes with comprehensive data security and identification verification as standard. Create full audit trails in a couple of clicks to meet the requirements of regulators, customers and internal compliance.

Data Studio

Get actionable data


Generate powerful business insights by querying all the data-points within your processes and documents. Build easy dashboards so you always have the information you need at your fingertips.

Simple pricing

Pay per account, not per user


Unlike other providers, you pay one price per account, not one per user. No more juggling logins or licences. Just give access to anyone who needs it - you always pay one predictable flat fee.

Our customers say

Plainly has completely revolutionised our recruiting - it has reduced time-to-hire, improved candidate experience and even saved us cost.


Rebecca Dobson

Director of People & Talent, Orchard Care Homes


Seamlessly integrate with tools you already use.


Build incredibly powerful integrations by plugging into Zapier's infrastructure.


Automatically save Plainly documents in your Google Drive.


Pull new applications into Plainly so you can easily process them.


Push final/signed documents to your Dropbox automatically.


Start new tasks on Plainly straight from Salesforce. Signing up customers has never been easier.


Back up your Plainly documents to your One Drive account.


Automatically push final/signed documents to your Box account.


And many, many more…

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Sector spotlight

Helping care homes go paperless


Learn how Plainly.com is helping care providers digitise their huge admin burden.

Learn more